Zahn Spirit Wolf of Shenandoah

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The Spirit Wolf -- November 2003

On the morning of Zahn's 11 week-old birthday,
he surprised us with both ears standing solidly up !!

Before getting Zahn, I had learnt on discussion forums
that in many cases, Shiloh pups kept soft ears until they
reached almost one year old. Having never lived with a
Shiloh before Zahn, you can imagine my surprise when
I awoke on the morning of his eleven week birthday to
find this face staring at me !!! I was so taken aback by
his strong ears suddenly and solidly planted upward, I
even called Zahn's breeder Patti to ask her if this was
normal !! She laughed and said it was a good indication
Zahn would have very strong ears. Later on, I learnt ears
occasionally soften up and drop back down (partially or
completely) during teething. However, it didn't happen
to this little guy either. Both ears remained strongly
pointing upwards from the moment they first stood ...

Baby Zahn belted up and ready for a ride

© copyright 2000 Genvièv Martin. All rights reserved.