Zahn Spirit Wolf of Shenandoah
Born on August 17, 2002, at Shenandoah Kennels in Pennsylvania, Zahn is progeny of the illustrious "Phantom" (National Select ARBA and International Breed Champion Shenandoah's The Phantom V Zion) and "Spirit" (National Select and International Breed Champion Shenandoah's Spirit of Tazzy).
Zahn is a Shiloh Shepherd registered with TSSR (The Shiloh Shepherd Registry). The Shiloh Shepherd is a rare breed. TSSR registered Shiloh Shepherds are recognized under ARBA (American Rare Breed Association), IABCA (International All Breed Canine Association) and Rarities dog shows.
Powerfully built, courageous and self-confident, this giant breed is known to possess superior intelligence. Extremely versatile and easily trained, Shilohs excel in a variety of working fields. Excellent swimmers and mountain climbers, they can adjust to almost any environment. Their high endurance coupled with their excellent air scenting and tracking abilities enable them to excel at various public tasks, such as service dog, police work or search and rescue. Their sensitive and caring nature also makes them excellent therapy workers. As true, loyal flock guardian descendants, they are steady and bold without undue aggression. Ready to give their life for those in their care, Shiloh Shepherds remain surprisingly gentle with small children or animals and comforting to those in need. Their superb intelligence, enthusiastic nature and complete devotion render them superior working dogs who love the challenges of work training.
At maturity (three years of age), adult Shilohs weigh between 100 and 160 pounds. Their height at the withers (the highest point of the back, between the shoulder blades) is usually between 28 and 32 inches.
View Zahn's pedigree, genetic lines and illustrious parents:
In-depth look into Zahn's genetic background
More about the Shiloh Shepherd breed:
The Shiloh World
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